June 28, 2021

June 28, 2021

OFFICE HOURS: The church office hours are changing! Beginning June 28, our new office hours are 8:45am-11:30am and 12:00pm-3:00pm Mondays-Thursdays. This small change will allow our office staff uninterrupted time for lunch each day.  Thanks so much.

CELEBRATION OF LIFE: All are invited to a celebration for the life of The Rev. Larry Craig on Saturday, July 10 at 12PM at Sunset Memorial Park (6265 Columbia Road, North Olmsted). A reception and luncheon will follow.

UPDATES TO COVID PROTOCOLS: Our Church Council met in special session on Thursday, June 24 and have amended our protocols for facial coverings. Our congregational survey indicated that over 90% of our congregation has been vaccinated against Covid-19.  Accordingly, facial coverings will be optional for all in person activities at our church beginning Sunday, July 4.  Online options for all activities will be available for those who prefer to stay home.

PUNCH ON THE PORCH: We hope to offer Punch on the Porch each week during the summer, but we need your help. If you might consider hosting one week (it is really easy!), please sign up at church or call the church office.

BLOOD DRIVE: We are hosting a mobile blood drive in partnership with Vitalant Blood Donation on Monday, July 26 from 10am-2pm in the parking lot of the church. You may sign up in advance HERE or you can just show up. In addition to helping with the blood supply, each blood donation will also provide two meals to Community Cupboard food pantry. Before you donate, please review your blood donation eligibility HERE.

JUNE PINK ENVELOPE SPECIAL OFFERING: Each month, our church collects a special offering to support important and worthwhile ministries. This month's pink envelope offering is for STRENGTHEN THE CHURCH (STC). STC is one of the 5 UCC offerings we support each year, making us a 5 for 5 church in our denomination. The funds raised support leadership development, new churches, youth ministry, and innovation in existing congregations. You may contribute to this ministry on Sunday mornings, by mailing a check to the church or by designating PINK ENVELOPE when you submit your donation online.

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3909 Rocky River Drive
Cleveland, Ohio 44111
TEL: 216.671.7228
FAX: 216.671.7223

Sunday Worship

10:00 AM

Sunday Livestream

10:00 AM

Office Hours


8:45 AM – 11:30 AM

12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

"What does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

—Micah 6:8

3909 Rocky River Drive
Cleveland, Ohio 44111
TEL: 216.671.7228
FAX: 216.671.7223


Sunday Worship

10:00 AM

Sunday Livestream

10:00 AM


Mon–Thu 9 AM – 3:00 PM

"What does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"
—Micah 6:8

Sunday Worship

10:00 AM

Sunday Livestream

10:00 AM


Mon & Wed  8:30 AM - 4:30  PM

Tues & Thurs 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM                     

"What does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

—Micah 6:8

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